30-dagarsutmaning, konserter!

Har äntligen hittat listan jag letade efter, jag visste om att det skulle finnas en sån här någonstans och nu har jag den. Så nu kör vi järnet! 30 dagars bloggutmaning alltså om olika spelningar jag varit på, finns det ett roligare ämne? Knappast !
  1. Awkwardest moment at a show
  2. Funniest moment at a show

  3. Happiest moment at a show

  4. Worst moment at a show

  5. Favorite show that you’ve been to

  6. Worst show that you’ve been to

  7. Nicest band member you’ve met

  8. Rudest band member you’ve met

  9. Funniest band member you’ve met

  10. Band you’ve seen live the most

  11. Band you are dying to see live

  12. Band you liked a lot more after the show

  13. Band you disliked a lot after the show

  14. Favorite song seen live

  15. Song you love but was played horrible live

  16. Worst moment with another fan

  17. Best moment with another fan

  18. Best pre-show moment

  19. Worst pre-show moment

  20. Favorite venue to attend

  21. Worst venue to attend

  22. Cheapest ticket you’ve paid for

  23. Most expensive ticket you’ve paid for

  24. First show you ever went to

  25. Latest show you went to

  26. How many shows have you been to

  27. Biggest pet peeve at a show

  28. Create your own Warped Tour. Who would be on your list?

  29. Favorite people to take to a show

  30. Best after show moments

Postat av: beakis

Antar att jag inte är ensam om att höra resentionen av Crookersspelningen... ;)

2011-06-29 @ 21:07:13
URL: http://beakis.blogg.se/

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